Tuesday, December 06, 2005

#4 Album! of the Year

#4 - "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" - Panic! At The Disco

Wow. This album is amazing. The witty song titles and vocals of a good Fall Out Boy cd, with crazy dance beats added to the mix. What more can you ask for? The first track I heard was "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" and i was hooked. With a chorus of "I Chimed in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?' " it just takes hold of you. The second track of the album, "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage" might just be the poppiest, catchiest song that I have ever heard. This album is great. TRL watch out, cause this is the second coming of FOB.


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